Category Archives: Parking Team

“We have a large responsibility representing Christ and our church”!

Here is a story from Jeremy, one of our parking volunteers at New Life Church:


Saturday evening, just prior to service, I had a mom in a mini van pull up at the entrance and open her door.  She let me know it was her first time visiting, she had her two children with her, and where should she take them.  I gave her the quick run down and she drove on in.  I alerted the other team members, “we’ve got a first timer with a couple kids!”  Excited waves from Lars and Dave directed her to a proper parking spot.  Steve pulled up promptly with the offer of a cool ride in the golf cart to church.  The kids were slightly apprehensive at first, but then hopped on in and loosened up.  A high five from Lars as they passed by brought another smile to both the boy’s and mom’s face.  They were safely delivered to the doors of Kidtown.  I know we were all excited by this brief event, and we realize we can make or break their experience coming to New Life.  We have a large responsibility representing Christ and our church.  We don’t know if they will return next week, but if they do, we will be out front with smiles, waves, and high fives!

How are you serving practically to make a difference eternally?