Tag Archives: mexico


Mexico Home Build 2013

Mexico Home Build 2013

For the last seven years I’ve led a team of 45 people to Mexico to build homes for homeless families. This is the team I worked with a couple months ago. This is only 1/3rd of our team. New Life Church has built 29 homes in Mexico over the last seven years. People ask me all the time why I’m so passionate about building homes in Mexico? I love to lead teams into Mexico because I truly believe that we’re making a tangible difference in the lives of many families by helping them achieve their dreams of owning their own home. When we build a home in one weekend we’re moving that family forward (economically) by seven years. That’s motivating.

Why don’t you join me next year? I’ll be taking 60 people to build 4 homes on Memorial Day Weekend next year. May 23-26, 2014.

Mexico Home

Last weekend my son & I went to Mexico with 29 other people from our church.  We worked for 2 days building a home for a family of 6.  Bernie & Loreza are the couple who live in this new home.   They have four beautiful kids.  We had a really great time, worked very hard, and feel very blessed.  The house is very simple.  Only 16′ X20’…yet it means so much to the people who live in it.  It’s likely the first time they’ve had a door that locks.  The kids are 3 times more likely to finish school whith a safe home to live in.  I’ll try my best to pontificate the experience over the next few days/weeks.


What did you do last weekend to make a difference in someone elses life?